
Sabero Organics Gujarat Ltd.

Sabero Organics Gujarat Ltd is trading at 38.00.Its face value is Rs10.00.The ISIN code is INE243A01018.Its scrip code is SABERORGAN.It is from Pesticides and Agrochemicals industry.This stock can bought for a long term investment of 2-3 years & above for multiple return.

Rico Auto Industries Ltd

Rico Auto Industries Ltd is trading at Rs.26.00.Its face value is Re1.00. The ISIN code is INE209B01025. Its NSEscrip code is RICOAUTO. This scrip is from Auto Ancillaries industries.This stock can be a multi bagger in long run

Firstsource solutions limited

FIRSTSOURCE SOLUTIONS LIMITED is trading at RS 35.00.Its face value is Rs10.00. The ISIN code is INE684F01012 .Its scrip code is FSL.It is from computer software industry.It is a long term investment with multiple returns.


AXIS IT&T LTD is trading at Rs 34.25.Its face value is Rs 5.00.Its ISIN code is INE555B01013.The scrip code is AXIS-IT&T.It is from computer software industry. This can be holded for long term for multiple returns.


DECCAN GOLD MINES is trading at RS 23.00.It is listed on BSE.Its BSE code is 512068 .Its scrip id is DECNGOLD.Its face value is Re.1.00.It is a NON BANKING FINANCIAL COMPANY(NBFC).This is a long term gold mine


BHAGWATI BANQUETS is trading at rs.38 .It has recently started its new hotel at Rajkot on 21/08/2009.Its face value is Rs10.00 & its ISIN code isINE797H01018. This stock can be accumulated for long term of 3years and above for 10 times returns